What do you think about this report and the last bullet point? https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem

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The blacker a city, the worse the crime rate/increase. Blacks vote Dem. But not all Dem cities are black cities.

I'm not sure how they determine what is a "republican" city. The mayor? The city council? Party affiliation of residents? Over what time period?

I feel like the number of cities that have substantial republican legislative majorities over a long period of time are pretty small.

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Interesting that 2020-2021 had cities run by Independents have the largest rise. I'd be interested in seeing another graph of the percentage change from 2019-2021.

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There are only 2 independent cities that have data from 2019–2021, so I don't think the results regarding them are very meaningful. As a matter of fact, when I get the time, I want to repeat the calculation on a much wider sample of cities to see if the results are really robust.

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Why didnt you control for race and political affilation of states? For example, houston is democrat city but this city is located in rebublican state(texas).

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This is just about measuring a trend, not a deep analysis of causality.

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